Mull of Kintyre.
The Mull of Kintyre isn’t a town or village, until Paul McCartney wrote his now in/famous song, it was and still is the site of a Lighthouse and a local landmark.
The Mull has always been popular with walkers and hikers who enjoy the scenery and sometimes challenging countryside.
Made famous more recently after the sad loss of the crew and passengers in a Chinook crash. There is a small memorial to mark this tragic event.
No memorials exist for the countless other aircrews who have lost their lives in the area. Stories are told locally of instruments being thrown off course by magnetic forces and of pilots losing their way in the mist.
Whatever the reason, the area does seem to have had more than it’s fair share of aircraft crashes !
The Lighthouse at the Mull of Kintyre
Built in 1788, by Thomas Smith, assisted by Robert Stevenson who was later to build many more lighthouses.
If you are going to visit the Mull of Kintyre you simply have to stop off for some good old fashioned Scottish Hospitality at the award winning Muneroy tearooms in Southend.